# Cemu detailed changelog for 1.25.3c # Patreon release date: 2021-08-27 # Public release date: 2021-09-03 New in 1.25.3c: Vulkan: Attempts to decrease delay caused by texture readback as this seems to be the main FPS bottleneck on higher-end machines Vulkan: Fixed a crash in various games caused by the use of certain types of drawcalls (regression in 1.25.3) New in 1.25.3b: Vulkan/OpenGL: Fixed graphic bugs introduced by one of the optimizations in 1.25.3 Vulkan: We had to disable multi-threaded pipeline loading for Nvidia GPUs due to driver crashes The exact cause is still being investigated. We plan to reenable this feature for Nvidia GPUs once a solution has been found New in 1.25.3: Vulkan/OpenGL: Several smaller performance optimizations to decrease CPU load of the GPU emulation thread Vulkan/OpenGL: Fixed performance regression introduced in 1.25.2 Vulkan: Pipeline cache loading is now multi-threaded and thus should be much faster Vulkan: Fixed a severe memory leak during pipeline cache loading GX2: Minor optimizations to various GX2 API functions UI: Input window improvements Slightly altered profile load/save buttons for better clarity. Making it easier to distinguish if a profile is created, updated or loaded Show a warning if no GamePad has been configured as most games require one to be at least connected logging: Cemu will now no longer overwrite the log file immediately on start. Instead it will only write it once a game has been launched or an error occurred This is to prevent users from accidentally resetting log.txt merely by reopening Cemu